UK Government – Energy Bill Discount Scheme: Customer Update

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Our in-house experts share their perspectives on the latest industry developments
and power market updates on a weekly basis.

payment method

Energy payment methods for your business

When navigating business energy suppliers, choosing the best payment method and contract type is essential for every small business owner. Let’s face it, managing your energy payments should be convenient and hassle-free. You ideally want to choose a payment method that suits your business energy usage, and one that is aligned to your budgeting and cashflow demands.

We’re always looking for ways to provide additional support to our customers, so in this article we’ll take a look at some of the different payment methods and how they might benefit your business energy service.

SME business

Staying Vigilant Against Scam Calls

In today’s interconnected world, businesses face a variety of threats, one of the most deceptive being scam phone calls and phishing attacks. These fraudulent tactics aim to extract sensitive information, risking data security. In this important article we offer practical advice on how to protect your business against scam phone calls, using phishing tactics to extract information.


Jargon Buster – ESG

In the modern world of business and investing, the term ‘ESG’ has gained significant traction. As expectations increase from stakeholders for social and environmental responsibility, incorporating ESG practices becomes essential for companies to stay on track with changing expectations and ensure lasting success. But what exactly does it mean, and why is it so important? Let’s simplify the jargon and clarify the concept of ESG to better understand its importance in today’s landscape.

Blue carbon project Pakistan

Climate Action Project – Restoring Mangroves for Blue Carbon Removal in Pakistan

At SmartestEnergy Business, we are dedicated to supporting positive climate action initiatives. Through our partnership with Ecologi, we actively engage in projects such as the rejuvenation of mangrove ecosystems in Pakistan. Our aim is to help combat habitat loss and mitigate the impacts of climate change. In this article, we delve into the urgent need for conservation efforts and the importance of collaborative endeavours, in safeguarding the invaluable blue carbon ecosystems of the Indus eco-region.

Climate Action Project – Conserving the Amazon in Brazil

Beyond our efforts to support reforestation through the funding of our company forest, lies our commitment to support positive climate projects across the global. Therefore, we’re excited to share news of our latest initiative that underpins our focus for climate change in 2024. Through our Climate Action Calendar, each month we’ll spotlight one of the amazing projects across the globe, alongside making a donation to the cause via Ecologi. We kicked things off in January with ‘Conversing the Amazon Forest in Brazil’.

Energy efficiency tips for sustainable hospitality

First lockdown, then the energy crisis, and now reports of a recession. These are clearly challenging times for the small business community. We’re here to support our customers in any way we can and this month the focus is on hospitality. We provide dedicated energy services to thousands of pubs, restaurants and hotels. So, it’s only right we serve up some advice to help business owners reduce their energy costs, whilst doing the right thing for the environment. In this blog, we explore some energy efficiency tips to build a more sustainable business, that will cost both you and the planet less in the long run.

Jargon Buster – Biophilic Design

Welcome to the Smartest guide to Biophilic Design, where sustainable innovation meets the tranquillity of nature. In this Jargon Buster blog, we’ll reveal what biophilic design is, the complex language surrounding bringing the outside in, and empower you to navigate the world of green architecture with ease. Let’s dive into how biophilic design can harmonise our spaces and foster a deeper connection with the environment to discover the tangible benefits of embracing nature-inspired design in our workspaces.

Sustainable Spotlight – Funding Cleaner Cookstoves in Somalia

In the heart of Africa, where the rich tapestry of cultures meets the challenge of sustainable living, a beacon of change is emerging. Somalia, a nation known for resilience and strength, is at the forefront of a movement to introduce cleaner and more sustainable cooking solutions. Let’s shine a spotlight on the commendable efforts made by Ecologi as we help them to fund cleaner cookstoves, transforming local quality of life and helping to reduce harmful chemicals being released into the environment.

Jargon Buster – Deciphering Meter Operators (MOPs)

In the complex landscape of the energy market, acronyms and industry-specific terms often leave consumers scratching their heads. One example is a Meter Operator, often abbreviated as MOP. These crucial players in the energy market are responsible for managing and maintaining electricity meters, helping the UK national grid distribute energy accurately, prevent shortages, and ensure your bills accurately reflect to your usage. Let’s unravel the mysteries and shed light on the pivotal role MOPs play in how your business receives electricity and why they’re important to consider when choosing your supplier.

Sustainable Spotlight – Solar Project Funding

At SmartestEnergy Business, we’re committed to exploring positive climate action and engaging in global social responsibility. To acknowledge our recent company milestone of reaching 50,000 customers, we’re excited to announce the funding of a solar power project in Morocco. Working in partnership with Ecologi, this new initiative provides renewable energy options whilst enabling access to thousands of jobs and healthcare for the local residents. In this article, we’ll look at why the project is so important in taking a step towards a more sustainable future.

What to do in an energy emergency

Energy is incredibly important in the running of our day-to-day lives; it switches the lights on, provides you with electricity and heating, and even charges your transportation in some cases. This means that if an electricity or gas crisis arises, it can be disruptive and dangerous. Whilst energy emergencies can be unpredictable and daunting, understanding how to navigate these emergency situations is essential in the running of your business, helping your people and customers to stay calm, stay aware and, most importantly, stay safe.

Jargon Buster – Wholesale Market Energy Prices

The language surrounding the UK wholesale energy market and its prices can be opaque and confusing. If you’re unsure about your energy bills and what affects your tariff costs, you’re not alone. In this blog, we’ll break down the key terms and structures to help small businesses understand wholesale energy prices better, the elements that impact them, make informed decisions, and potentially save on their energy bills as a result.

Proudly Certified – Our Carbon Trust Accreditation

At SmartestEnergy Business, sustainability isn’t just a goal; it’s a commitment to a better future. We are thrilled to announce a significant achievement that underscores our dedication to environmental responsibility – officially receiving our Carbon Trust Accreditation. Offering unrivalled transparency of our renewable products and a testament to the importance of sustainability and responsible business practices, find out more about who the Carbon Trust is and how this partnership can benefit your business.

Jargon Buster – Carbon Emissions & Scopes

The fight against climate change is ever-present and increasingly more important to prioritise. When reducing environmental damage, understanding your business’ carbon emissions is crucial. In this blog, we’ll delve into the concept of carbon emission scopes, shedding light on what they are and why they matter in the pursuit of a sustainable future. We’ll demystify the various levels and provide a comprehensive guide to understanding and navigating the intricacies of corporate environmental responsibility.

Renewing Your Energy Contract

When it comes to managing your business expenses, renewing your energy product is a decision that demands careful consideration. As your current energy contract approaches renewal, taking the time to assess your options can lead to continued savings and a smoother energy experience. In this blog post, we’ll look at some of the things to keep in mind when renewing, ensuring that you make informed choices that align with your current and future needs.