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19 March 2024

Climate Action Project – Restoring Mangroves for Blue Carbon Removal in Pakistan

Blue carbon project Pakistan
At SmartestEnergy Business, we are dedicated to supporting positive climate action initiatives. Through our partnership with Ecologi, we actively engage in projects such as the rejuvenation of mangrove ecosystems in Pakistan. Our aim is to help combat habitat loss and mitigate the impacts of climate change. In this article, we delve into the urgent need for conservation efforts and the importance of collaborative endeavours, in safeguarding the invaluable blue carbon ecosystems of the Indus eco-region.
The Indus Eco-Region: A Biodiversity Hotspot

Recognised for its extensive mangrove forests along the coastal areas, the Indus eco-region in Pakistan stands among the world’s top 40 most biologically rich eco-regions. Within this ecosystem thrives a diverse array of species, including those facing imminent extinction. Such as the Indus River dolphin, the Indian Ocean humpback dolphin and the Indian pangolin.

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The Crisis – Degraded Blue Carbon Ecosystems

The Indus eco-region, comprising of mangroves, seagrasses, and salt marshes, is endangered by human activities including coastal development, pollution and climate change. With rising temperatures leading to heightened frequency and severity of coastal storms, these factors exacerbate the degradation of the blue carbon ecosystem. Additionally, this has led to the decline of wildlife populations and the ecosystem’s capacity to effectively sequester carbon dioxide.

Urgent action is needed to protect the blue carbon ecosystem in the Indus eco-region. It provides crucial carbon sequestration, biodiversity reinforcement, and livelihood opportunities for coastal communities.

Blue carbon project Pakistan
The Solution – Restoration and Partnering for Change

Recognising the urgency to restore and preserve Indus eco-region in Pakistan, we have joined forces with Ecologi to take climate action now. Through funding this nature-based project, we allow for the initiative to deliver on restoring and safeguarding 224,997 hectares of mangroves and all its inhabitants.

The initiative is dedicated to rejuvenating mangrove ecosystems, aiming to address habitat loss and mitigate climate change effects. Over the span of 60 years, the project will remove 127 million tonnes of CO2 emissions. This effort involves restoring mangroves through strategic partnerships and educational programs with local communities.

Smartest Climate Action – How you can get involved

Like our people, we invite all our customers, partners, and any other stakeholders to join us on this journey towards a sustainable future. By supporting initiatives such as those in our Climate Action Calendar, together we can make a meaningful impact on the planet.

Every month we’ll be sharing our sustainable project spotlight via our InfoHub and other socials. The projects will vary from nature-based conservation such as this one, to community carbon avoidance to renewable energy funding and more. You can donate to these projects and follow our progress via our impact dashboard with Ecologi:

Here’s our Climate Action Calendar, showing our past, present, and future climate action endeavours:

Climate Action Calendar

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