UK Government – Energy Bill Discount Scheme: Customer Update

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UK Set To Implement Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement For SME’s

The UK has set a world-leading target of reaching Net Zero by 2050. To fulfil this, the government has outlined an ambitious plan to create a fairer and more environmentally friendly electricity system. A crucial aspect of this plan is the implementation of Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement, which plays a vital role in providing the flexibility needed for the transition to Net Zero. In this article, we explore the meaning of Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement, its benefits, and how it impacts your business.

Staying Vigilant: How To Avoid An Energy Scam

Businesses face various threats, one of the most deceptive being energy scams. It’s crucial to stay vigilant as these tactics aim to extract sensitive information and compromise your data security. Scammers often impersonate energy company representatives or regulatory authorities to gain your trust and access your data. This article provides practical advice on recognising and protecting against these threats, helping you safeguard your business and keep your sensitive data secure.

The Carbon Trust Accreditation: Empowering Businesses Towards a Greener Future

Carbon Trust

At SmartestEnergy Business, sustainability isn’t just a goal; it’s a commitment to a better future. Our The Carbon Trust Accreditation underscores our dedication to environmental responsibility, offering unrivaled transparency of our renewable products. Learn more about The Carbon Trust and how this partnership benefits your business by promoting sustainability and responsible business practices. By aligning with The Carbon Trust, we demonstrate our ongoing commitment to reducing carbon emissions and fostering a greener planet.

Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting a Business Energy Audit

Light energy use

Regardless of the size of your business, conducting an energy audit can significantly benefit your operations. An energy audit involves a thorough examination of your business’s energy consumption patterns and helps identify areas where energy is being used inefficiently. By identifying areas for improvement an energy audit could help reduce costs, improve energy efficiency, and enhance your business’s overall sustainability.

Help and advice if you’re worried about your bills

It’s not easy running a business in this economic climate, and now that the EBDS (Energy Bill Discount Scheme) has come to end, there is little to no support from the government. We’re here to help our customers in any way we can. If you’re struggling to afford your business electricity and/or gas bills, please read the advice in this article. In some cases it may even provide a lifeline for your business. Thereafter, get in touch with us as soon as possible to discuss the options available to you.

Climate Action Project – Conserving the Amazon in Brazil

Beyond our efforts to support reforestation through the funding of our company forest, lies our commitment to support positive climate projects across the global. Therefore, we’re excited to share news of our latest initiative that underpins our focus for climate change in 2024. Through our Climate Action Calendar, each month we’ll spotlight one of the amazing projects across the globe, alongside making a donation to the cause via Ecologi. We kicked things off in January with ‘Conversing the Amazon Forest in Brazil’.

Energy efficiency tips for sustainable hospitality

First lockdown, then the energy crisis, and now reports of a recession. These are clearly challenging times for the small business community. We’re here to support our customers in any way we can and this month the focus is on hospitality. We provide dedicated energy services to thousands of pubs, restaurants and hotels. So, it’s only right we serve up some advice to help business owners reduce their energy costs, whilst doing the right thing for the environment. In this blog, we explore some energy efficiency tips to build a more sustainable business, that will cost both you and the planet less in the long run.

Jargon Buster – Biophilic Design

Welcome to the Smartest guide to Biophilic Design, where sustainable innovation meets the tranquillity of nature. In this Jargon Buster blog, we’ll reveal what biophilic design is, the complex language surrounding bringing the outside in, and empower you to navigate the world of green architecture with ease. Let’s dive into how biophilic design can harmonise our spaces and foster a deeper connection with the environment to discover the tangible benefits of embracing nature-inspired design in our workspaces.

Sustainable Spotlight – Funding Cleaner Cookstoves in Somalia

In the heart of Africa, where the rich tapestry of cultures meets the challenge of sustainable living, a beacon of change is emerging. Somalia, a nation known for resilience and strength, is at the forefront of a movement to introduce cleaner and more sustainable cooking solutions. Let’s shine a spotlight on the commendable efforts made by Ecologi as we help them to fund cleaner cookstoves, transforming local quality of life and helping to reduce harmful chemicals being released into the environment.

Jargon Buster – Deciphering Meter Operators (MOPs)

In the complex landscape of the energy market, acronyms and industry-specific terms often leave consumers scratching their heads. One example is a Meter Operator, often abbreviated as MOP. These crucial players in the energy market are responsible for managing and maintaining electricity meters, helping the UK national grid distribute energy accurately, prevent shortages, and ensure your bills accurately reflect to your usage. Let’s unravel the mysteries and shed light on the pivotal role MOPs play in how your business receives electricity and why they’re important to consider when choosing your supplier.