Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS): Customer Update

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23 April 2024

Help and advice if you’re worried about your bills

It's not easy running a business in this economic climate, and now that the EBDS (Energy Bill Discount Scheme) has come to end, there is little to no support from the government. We're here to help our customers in any way we can. If you’re struggling to afford your business electricity and/or gas bills, please read the advice in this article. In some cases it may even provide a lifeline for your business. Thereafter, get in touch with us as soon as possible to discuss the options available to you.

Here at SmartestEnergy Business, we appreciate the challenges that the economic climate can have on our customers. If your business is struggling financially, it can be an uneasy and particularly stressful time. As your energy supplier, we have a responsibility to offer you support and guidance. Don’t ignore the signs of financial debt, there might be ways to help including:

  • Reviewing your payment plan to an affordable amount
  • Rethinking your tariff options
  • Updating your meter readings
  • Lowering your energy usage
  • Possible additional support through our Hardship Fund
  • Government support
Payment plans

We have a range of flexible payment options to suit your business cashflow requirements. If you are on a Budget Plan (fixed payment) you may wish to discuss reviewing your monthly payment amount to see if this can be reduced. We regularly monitor your energy usage to ensure your payment amount is accurate. However, if you don’t have a smart meter or we’re unable to obtain readings, it’s important that you provide us with up-to-date meter readings to ensure we don’t bill on estimates.

Furthermore, whilst we recommend our customers opt for fixed payment as it can help avoid seasonal fluctuations like in the winter when bills are typically higher. If you’d prefer to switch to variable payment and therefore only pay for what you use each month, please get in touch to request this.

For customers on a really tight budget and that require total control over their energy costs, we can offer a prepay service that enables you to pay in advance for your usage. Your meter will then be credited with what you can afford, which may be helpful for hospitality businesses with unpredictable cashflow.

If you pay for your energy bills by Direct Debit, it’s important that you do not cancel this. We can’t stress this enough as you may incur additional administration charges and/or be placed on an alternative tariff with higher prices. In either case, we would wish to avoid taking such action as this could mean you owe more in the long run and potentially increase any outstanding debt. 

Meter readings

As previously mentioned, providing us with up-to-date meter readings will help ensure that you are billed correctly, and avoid estimates. This prevents you from being charged for energy you haven’t used. If you’ve got a compatible smart meter we’ll take meter readings automatically. If haven’t got one, or we’re unable to obtain readings from it, please ensure you submit readings to us by the 25th of each month. Details of how to provide reading can be found here.

Energy efficient practices

Implementing quick wins where it comes to saving energy can help you combat the energy crisis in both the long and short term. Replacing your bulbs with LED lights, switching off lamps when leaving a room, and monitoring your heating can all help to lower your monthly energy costs. Further advice on energy saving tips can be viewed here

Hardship fund application

We have setup a hardship fund to help businesses that are suffering with major financial debt. For those that qualify, we can provide a grant to significantly reduce any outstanding debt. Please get in touch to discuss the options available to you, which if you’re eligible may include a grant from our hardship fund.

Most importantly, we are here to help you.

Speak to an advisor by getting in touch with us if you would like more information on your credit options.

  • Additional support from Citizens Advice consumer helpline to get advice on how to resolve your issues, you can contact them via

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