UK Government – Energy Bill Discount Scheme: Customer Update

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Jargon Buster – Deciphering Meter Operators (MOPs)

In the complex landscape of the energy market, acronyms and industry-specific terms often leave consumers scratching their heads. One example is a Meter Operator, often abbreviated as MOP. These crucial players in the energy market are responsible for managing and maintaining electricity meters, helping the UK national grid distribute energy accurately, prevent shortages, and ensure your bills accurately reflect to your usage. Let’s unravel the mysteries and shed light on the pivotal role MOPs play in how your business receives electricity and why they’re important to consider when choosing your supplier.

Sustainable Spotlight – Solar Project Funding

At SmartestEnergy Business, we’re committed to exploring positive climate action and engaging in global social responsibility. To acknowledge our recent company milestone of reaching 50,000 customers, we’re excited to announce the funding of a solar power project in Morocco. Working in partnership with Ecologi, this new initiative provides renewable energy options whilst enabling access to thousands of jobs and healthcare for the local residents. In this article, we’ll look at why the project is so important in taking a step towards a more sustainable future.

What to do in an energy emergency

Energy is incredibly important in the running of our day-to-day lives; it switches the lights on, provides you with electricity and heating, and even charges your transportation in some cases. This means that if an electricity or gas crisis arises, it can be disruptive and dangerous. Whilst energy emergencies can be unpredictable and daunting, understanding how to navigate these emergency situations is essential in the running of your business, helping your people and customers to stay calm, stay aware and, most importantly, stay safe.

Jargon Buster – Wholesale Market Energy Prices

The language surrounding the UK wholesale energy market and its prices can be opaque and confusing. If you’re unsure about your energy bills and what affects your tariff costs, you’re not alone. In this blog, we’ll break down the key terms and structures to help small businesses understand wholesale energy prices better, the elements that impact them, make informed decisions, and potentially save on their energy bills as a result.

Jargon Buster – Carbon Emissions & Scopes

The fight against climate change is ever-present and increasingly more important to prioritise. When reducing environmental damage, understanding your business’ carbon emissions is crucial. In this blog, we’ll delve into the concept of carbon emission scopes, shedding light on what they are and why they matter in the pursuit of a sustainable future. We’ll demystify the various levels and provide a comprehensive guide to understanding and navigating the intricacies of corporate environmental responsibility.

Renewing Your Energy Contract

When it comes to managing your business expenses, renewing your energy product is a decision that demands careful consideration. As your current energy contract approaches renewal, taking the time to assess your options can lead to continued savings and a smoother energy experience. In this blog post, we’ll look at some of the things to keep in mind when renewing, ensuring that you make informed choices that align with your current and future needs.

Jargon Buster – Navigating Net Zero

When navigating your journey to net zero, it can be daunting as a small business owner trying to make a difference. With environmental practices becoming more sought after, it’s important to understand how you can apply them too. The sustainability world is often littered with confusing jargon that may leave you scratching your head. We thought it would be helpful to take a step back and deep dive into demystifying net zero and its surrounding terminology, providing a handy guide for those keen to reduce their carbon footprint.

Exploring Our Tree Planting Scheme

As you may have seen, we’ve recently launched our new Tree Planting Scheme in collaboration with Ecologi. We’re hopeful that the initiative will help you feel empowered to choose a greener energy tariff and contribute to reforestation efforts across the globe in the battle against the climate crisis. This blog explores just how the scheme will work and what you can do to get involved.

Jargon Buster – MPAN & MPRN Numbers Explained

As an energy consumer, you may often come across a number of confusing acronyms. Top of the list will likely be MPAN and MPRN when dealing with your electricity and gas supply. These are unique identifiers for your energy supply and play an important role in the delivery of services throughout the industry. They are used by multiple parties across a variety of network systems to locate and manage the billing of your supply type. In this blog, we will shed light on MPAN and MPRN numbers, talking through their significance and explaining where to find them.

How To Save Energy This Festive Season

Christmas is a time of excitement, intense sales activity, rewarding customer loyalty, thanking staff with a party or two, and hopefully some well-deserved time off for all. With the cold and darker nights, celebrations, and let’s not forget the decorative lighting, it’s also a time of year when energy costs tend to be higher than others. Here are some methods to help lower these costs and encourage some simple changes to habits that over time can reduce your business energy usage.