UK Government – Energy Bill Discount Scheme: Customer Update

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and power market updates on a weekly basis.

Energy Bills – Payment Advice & Support

We appreciate these are difficult times for some of our business customers. If you have cashflow concerns and might struggle with the payment of your energy bills, we can offer you support. There are options available to your business, please read the information in this post and get in touch as soon as possible.

Net Zero – Help & Advice for Small Businesses

A recent YouGov survey of business decision makers found that only 29% of UK businesses have a strategy for net zero, with 42% feeling overwhelmed by what is required. So we’ve compiled this customer guide to help you think about what Net Zero means to your business, breaking down the jargon and highlighting quick wins for carbon reduction.

Smart Meter Data Collection – What You Need To Know

With accurate billing and automated readings, smart meters are a great way to save your business time and money. They can also help you better understand your energy consumption and give the industry more data to efficiently manage supply and demand at national level.

small business energy saving

Energy Saving Advice for Small Businesses

SmartestEnergy Business is committed to helping your business improve its efficiency. In addition to installing a Smart Meter and using our Web Analyser Service, this guide highlights some of the practical ways to increase your business’ energy efficiency. Methods include changing employee behaviour towards energy use, using more efficient equipment and altering processes to cut down on waste.

Solar Panel Pass Through Costs

Pass Through Costs – What You Need To Know

The price you pay for your electricity and gas comprises of energy and non-energy (pass-through) costs.

We fix the energy costs for the duration of your contract by purchasing your predicted usage in advance from the wholesale market. Pass-through costs however are variable and relate to other parties in the energy supply chain.

Pass-through costs are significant and make up to 40-60% of your energy bill, depending on your meter type and the location of your business.