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Climate Action Project – Restoring Mangroves for Blue Carbon Removal in Pakistan

Blue carbon project Pakistan

At SmartestEnergy Business, we are dedicated to supporting positive climate action initiatives. Through our partnership with Ecologi, we actively engage in projects such as the rejuvenation of mangrove ecosystems in Pakistan. Our aim is to help combat habitat loss and mitigate the impacts of climate change. In this article, we delve into the urgent need for conservation efforts and the importance of collaborative endeavours, in safeguarding the invaluable blue carbon ecosystems of the Indus eco-region.

Climate Action Project – Conserving the Amazon in Brazil

Beyond our efforts to support reforestation through the funding of our company forest, lies our commitment to support positive climate projects across the global. Therefore, we’re excited to share news of our latest initiative that underpins our focus for climate change in 2024. Through our Climate Action Calendar, each month we’ll spotlight one of the amazing projects across the globe, alongside making a donation to the cause via Ecologi. We kicked things off in January with ‘Conversing the Amazon Forest in Brazil’.