Explore our 2024 annual report as we reflect on the financial year 2023-24 and the progress we have made in the months since, recapping our global business activities, highlighting our key achievements, and looking ahead to the future of SmartestEnergy.

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Low energy mode

Frequently asked questions

How do I get an energy quote for my business?

Get a fast, personalised quote and sign-up online via our SmartSwitch tool. Simply visit our get a quote page to get started. Or, if you’d rather speak to one of our helpful energy advisors, please call us on 01903 259976 or email quote.business@smartestenergy.com.

What products does SmartestEnergy Business offer?

SmartestEnergy Business offers both standard energy and renewable energy. We offer a range of products with prices fixed up to 4 years, to protect against future wholesale market uncertainty. Our renewable energy products can help your businesses achieve sustainability and net zero ambitions. We also offer a pay as you go service for hospitality or businesses with a low credit score. 

Where can I find my supply prices?

Your product and prices are displayed on your SmartestEnergy Business invoice under the ‘Electricity/Gas Used’ page. If you need help understanding your supply prices or your invoice, please get in touch with our dedicated customer services.

What is a fixed product?

Fixed products enable you to fix the price you pay against wholesale market uncertainty. The longer you fix, the more protection you have against future rises. Our SmartFix product is available on a 1, 2, 3 or 4 year fix to suit your business requirements. There is also a renewable energy version should you with to power your business with green energy from clean sources such as wind, solar and hydro. 

What is a variable product?

Variable products can go up and down in price, typically in line with wholesale market changes. Our SmartFlex product gives access to our competitive supply prices without the commitment of a contract. You have the flexibility to switch supplier at any time, without any notice period. 

What is the Deemed (Standard) product?

Our Deemed product applies if you have moved into premises where SmartestEnergy Business is the existing supplier. Your service is provided under a deemed agreement with specific terms and conditions until you can agree a contract with us or move to an alternative supplier.

Your supply may also be placed on our Deemed product if you default on any payment arrangement, cancel your existing Direct Debit instruction and other such exceptional circumstances. It is a variable tariff, meaning prices can change at any time, often in line with wholesale market fluctuation. Should a price change occur, we will provide you with advance notice.

What is the SmartFlex product?

Our SmartFlex product gives access to our competitive supply prices without the commitment of a contract. You have the flexibility to switch supplier at any time, without any notice period or cancellation fees, provided that any outstanding invoices are paid.

If you reach the end of your fixed contract with SmartestEnergy Business and have not agreed new contract prices, you will automatically roll onto our SmartFlex product. It is a variable tariff, meaning prices can change at any time, often in line with wholesale market fluctuation. Should a price change occur, we will provide you with advance notice.

What is the Low User product?

Our Low User product is designed for businesses with an annual usage typically lower than 5,000 kWh. This is significantly lower than the average consumption of a business, meaning we are unable to offer our discounted contract rates. The Low User product remains competitive in comparison to other supplier equivalent tariffs. It is a variable tariff, meaning prices can change at any time, often in line with wholesale market fluctuation. Should a price change occur, we will provide you with advance notice. 

How does the SmartPay product work?

Our SmartPay product is essentially a pay as you go service that allows you to control when and how much you pay. It’s ideal for businesses with unpredictable cash flow. Top-up when it suits you best online, by phone or set up a Direct Debit for automated payments. Credit alerts to manage your levels can be sent by SMS and/or email (electricity only). 

Billing and payments All about how much you’ll pay for SmartestEnergy electricity, and when.  Emergency contacts
Complaints We’re committed to providing better service and welcome your views on how we can improve. Complaints
Meters and readings Details of how our smart meters work and the installation process. Meters & Readings
Moving premises Going to a different business address? Here’s what we need to know.  Switching page
Switching to us How to make the move to SmartestEnergy in a few easy steps.  Moving premises
Energy saving A few tips to reduce your usage and save on your electricity bills.  Energy Saving
Online accounts Find answer to some common questions related to SmartWeb. Out of Contract and Deemed Rates page

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