Customer frequently asked questions
When is my first payment collected?
If paying by a fixed budget plan, your first payment will be collected 2 weeks after you switch to SmartestEnergy Business. We’ll confirm the exact amount and date closer to the time. If you have chosen variable payment, this will be collected in line with the date advised on your first invoice, typically 10 days after issue.
What is a budget plan?
A fixed payment method collected each month by Direct Debit. A budget plan helps you avoid seasonal fluctuations by spreading the cost of your electricity. Payments are taken once a month, on or around the same day. Automated readings provided by your smart meter are used to monitor usage and keep the payment amount accurate.
How is my fixed payment amount calculated?
We calculate your annual spend using your agreed prices and EAC (estimated annual consumption) and then split the total into 12 equal monthly payment amounts. Once your smart meter is installed, we’ll use regular readings to ensure your payment amount remains accurate. If you start to pay too much or too little, we’ll adjust the monthly payment amount, giving you at least 10 days’ notice before making a collection.
How do I submit a meter reading?
The best way to leave a reading is via SmartWeb. Alternatively, you can leave a meter reading via our 24/7 freephone service on 0800 088 4581 or email Please remember to state your account number and meter serial number when supplying your readings.
I have a smart meter, why have I received an estimated invoice?
From time-to-time we may issue an invoice based on estimates, even if you have a working smart meter. This could be due to a poor or intermittent signal from your smart meter. Also, depending on when we obtain the readings, a small part of your usage may be estimated up until the end of the calendar month.
My account is in credit, how do I get a refund?
If you build up a large amount of credit, whilst you could use this for future payments, we appreciate some businesses would prefer a refund. Simply make the request with our Customer Services who’ll be happy to help. Refund requests will be processed in line with our refund policy and usually completed within 10 working days.
What happens if I can’t pay my energy bills?
If you’re experiencing financial difficulty, please get in touch (link to contact us) with us as soon as possible. We’re here to support you any way we can and will discuss the options available to your business. It’s important that you don’t ignore the signs of financial debt. Other free and independent advice is available from Business Debtline and Citizens Advice.
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Get in touch
If you need to contact us, our Customer Services are on hand to help:
01903 703400
(8.30am-5pm, Monday to Friday)
Login to SmartWeb
Enquiry Form
Please submit your query using the form below:
We will use the information you have provided to respond to your enquiry. See our privacy notice for details of about how we use data collected on our website.
Please send all written correspondence to:
SmartestEnergy Business Limited
Ridgeworth House
Liverpool Gardens
BN11 1RY
Small-medium business
If you're a small-medium business, you're in the right place.
Am I a small-medium business?
- < 300,000 kWh annual volume
- < £50k annual spend
Existing small-medium business customer?
Large business
If you're a generator or a commercial and industial (C&I) business you should visit our SmartestEnergy Limited website.
Am I a large business?
- 300,000 kWh+ annual volume
- £50k+ annual spend
Existing large business customer?