Explore our 2024 annual report as we reflect on the financial year 2023-24 and the progress we have made in the months since, recapping our global business activities, highlighting our key achievements, and looking ahead to the future of SmartestEnergy.

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Low energy mode

Frequently asked questions

I have a complaint to make, what should I do?

Firstly, please get in touch with our dedicated customer services to discuss the matter, we’ll do our best to help and resolve the issue straightaway. If you’re still not satisfied, they will advise you of our complaints procedure and what to do next.

How long will the complaints process take?

We value your time and will always try to resolve things as quickly as possible. Our full complaints handling procedure can take a maximum of eight weeks to complete, depending on the severity of the matter. The procedure also includes opportunities for the complaint to be escalated internally, if required. 

Where do I find the formal complaints procedure?

Our formal complaints procedure can be found in the useful documents section of this page. A copy can also be requested from our customer services team at any time.

What happens if we do not reach an agreement?

If we can’t resolve the matter within eight weeks, the Energy Ombudsman (Ombudsman Services), the Citizens Advice Consumer Service and/or Advice Direct Scotland may be able to assist you. 

How do I contact the Energy Ombudsmen?

Details on how to contact the Energy Ombudsmen can be found on their website www.energyombudsman.org 

What is the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme?

New regulations for micro business and small business customers means that suppliers must only work with TPIs, Brokers and Sub-Brokers who are signed up to the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme. This is managed by the Ombudsman Services whereby any TPI (including Aggregators and their Sub-Brokers) who service micro businesses and small businesses need to register with the scheme. Please go to the Energy Ombudsmen website for further details.

Handling your complaint

Initial contact

Firstly, contact our dedicated Customer Services to let us know and discuss with them how to resolve the matter. We’ll do our best to help but if you’re still not satisfied, they can advise what to do next.

Escalation Process

Our full complaints handling procedure can take a maximum of eight weeks to complete, depending on the severity of the matter. The procedure also includes opportunities for the complaint to be escalated internally, if required.


If we can’t resolve the matter within eight weeks, the Energy Ombudsman (Ombudsman Services), the Citizens Advice Consumer Service and/or Advice Direct Scotland may be able to assist you.

Billing and payments All about how much you’ll pay for SmartestEnergy electricity, and when.  Emergency contacts
Products and pricing The rates we charge for electricity across our different products.  Billing & Payments
Meters and readings Details of how our smart meters work and the installation process. Meters & Readings
Moving premises Going to a different business address? Here’s what we need to know.  Switching page
Switching to us How to make the move to SmartestEnergy in a few easy steps.  Moving premises
Energy saving A few tips to reduce your usage and save on your electricity bills.  Energy Saving
Online accounts Find answer to some common questions related to SmartWeb. Out of Contract and Deemed Rates page

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