Explore our 2024 annual report as we reflect on the financial year 2023-24 and the progress we have made in the months since, recapping our global business activities, highlighting our key achievements, and looking ahead to the future of SmartestEnergy.

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Low energy mode

Frequently asked questions

How do I get an energy quote for my business?

Get a fast, personalised quote and sign-up online via our SmartSwitch tool. Simply visit our get a quote page to get started. Or, if you’d rather speak to one of our helpful energy advisors, please call us on 01903 259976 or email quote.business@smartestenergy.com.

What products does SmartestEnergy Business offer?

We offer both standard and renewable energy through a range of products with prices fixed up to 4 years. Our renewable energy products can help your business with its sustainability goals and net zero ambitions.

How soon can you switch my supply?

For electricity or gas, the earliest timeframe for switching supplier is approximately 5 working days, subject to approval and credit check. If you’re still in contract or have an outstanding balance with your previous supplier there is a chance they may object to your application. If this happens, we’ll let you know. 

What’s involved in the switching process?

Once your application has been accepted, we will send you a welcome pack by email within 48 hours. This confirms your chosen product, supply information and payment plan. Then, as you approach your start date, we will contact you to obtain your first meter reading. This is important as it means we can start to bill you accurately for your service. 

Will there be any disruption to my gas or electricity supply?

Your gas or electricity supply won’t be affected by switching to SmartestEnergy Business. We’ll take care of everything and make our best endeavours to ensure your switch goes ahead on the target date agreed on your contract. Occasionally existing suppliers may object to your switch, for example if there is an outstanding balance with them. In the unlikely event this happens, we’ll be in touch to notify you and will reattempt the switch on the proposed target date. 

Do you accept hospitality businesses?

Yes, we accept hospitality businesses including pubs, clubs, restaurants, hotels and takeaways. Visit our products page for further information. 

My business has a low credit score, will you accept it?

If your business has a low credit score (below 21), then we will currently not be able to provide you with an energy quote.

Will you credit check my business?

All businesses will be credit checked and require a minimum credit score of 21 or above, 1 year of established trading and no CCJs. If a trading entity cannot be located or your credit score is lower than 21, then we will currently not be able to provide you with an energy quote.

Step-by-step guide

Quote and sign

Get a personalised quote and signup online, or speak to our helpful advisors

Order confirmation

You’ll receive your welcome pack within 48 hours of contract acceptance

First meter reading

We’ll ask you to provide a start read to bill you accurately from the get-go

Make the switch

Congratulations! Your switch to smart energy starts here

Online account setup

Access your SmartWeb account and begin managing services online

First invoice sent

You receive your first invoice from SmartestEnergy Business

Smart meter installation

We install the latest smart meter technology 4-8 weeks after switch

Billing and payments All about how much you’ll pay for SmartestEnergy electricity, and when.  Emergency contacts
Products and pricing The rates we charge for electricity across our different products.  Billing & Payments
Meters and readings Details of how our smart meters work and the installation process. Meters & Readings
Moving premises Going to a different business address? Here’s what we need to know.  Switching page
Complaints We’re committed to providing better service and welcome your views on how we can improve. Complaints
Energy saving A few tips to reduce your usage and save on your electricity bills.  Energy Saving
Online accounts Find answer to some common questions related to SmartWeb. Out of Contract and Deemed Rates page

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