Explore our 2024 annual report as we reflect on the financial year 2023-24 and the progress we have made in the months since, recapping our global business activities, highlighting our key achievements, and looking ahead to the future of SmartestEnergy.

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Frequently asked questions

I’m an existing customer moving premises, what do I need to do?

Simply let us know as soon as possible. The best way to do this is via the moving premises page of our online service, where there is a quick and easy step-by-step process to guide you. If you’re moving to a new location, we’d also be happy to provide a quote for your new energy supply.

What documents will I need to supply?

You will need to provide a lease, business rates and photo of the meter alongside a meter read so we can validate the change of tenancy. 

How long does a change of tenancy take?

Once we’ve received your documents, meter reading and meter photo, it takes on average 3-5 working days to validate, once validated it may take another 3-5 working days to process and get an account created. 

I’ve moved into a property supplied by SmartestEnergy Business, what happens next?

Get in touch with us as soon as you can to provide us with a meter reading and if possible, a photo of the meter reading. This helps us to start the accurate billing of your occupancy and prevent any discrepancy from the previous tenants. Your supply is provided by a Deemed contract whereby our Deemed product rates apply, until you have secured a new contract or chosen to move to another supplier. We recommend you apply for a contract as soon as possible as these prices are likely to be lower.

You can get a quote by speaking to one of our helpful energy advisors, please call on 01903 259976 or email quote.business@smartestenergy.com

Where is my supply meter located?

If the meter location is not listed in any property details, you will need to contact your landlord or letting agent who will be able to let you know where to find it. 

Can I change to another supplier?

Once we have validated your documents and processed the change of occupancy, you may choose to move to another supplier. We’d typically like to retain your custom and pending a few acceptance checks should be able to over you a competitive supply contract. 

How do I get a quote for a new supply contract?

Get a fast, personalised quote by speaking to one of our helpful energy advisors, please call on 01903 259976 or email quote.business@smartestenergy.com

Billing and payments All about how much you’ll pay for SmartestEnergy electricity, and when.  Emergency contacts
Pricing information The rates we charge for electricity across our different products.  Billing & Payments
Meters and readings Details of how our smart meters work and the installation process. Meters & Readings
Complaints We’re committed to providing better service and welcome your views on how we can improve. Complaints
Switching to us How to make the move to SmartestEnergy in a few easy steps.  Moving premises
Energy saving A few tips to reduce your usage and save on your electricity bills.  Energy Saving
Online accounts Find answer to some common questions related to SmartWeb. Out of Contract and Deemed Rates page

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