Explore our 2024 annual report as we reflect on the financial year 2023-24 and the progress we have made in the months since, recapping our global business activities, highlighting our key achievements, and looking ahead to the future of SmartestEnergy.

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Frequently asked questions

How do I provide a meter reading?

The best way to leave a reading is via SmartWeb (link to portal). Alternatively, you can leave a meter reading via our 24/7 freephone service on 0800 088 4581 or email meterreadings.business@smartestenergy.com. Please remember to state your account number and meter serial number when supplying your readings.

When do I need to provide a reading by?

If you have just transferred to SmartestEnergy Business, please provide us with a reading within 5 days of your service start date. If you are awaiting a smart meter and wish to provide us with a monthly reading to avoid an estimated invoice, please ensure they are submitted by the 25th of each month. 

What is a smart meter?

A smart meter is a type of energy supply meter that records the amount of energy you use, and automatically sends us your meter readings. You’ll then receive accurate bills based on the energy that you’ve used. A smart meter can also provide detailed information about how your business is using energy for every half hour of the day. They are helping the UK work towards a smarter energy system, where suppliers and grid operators can actively monitor the energy required and match demand with greener generation sources. 

What are the benefits of a smart meter?

A smart meter is a great way to save your business time and money. No more effort or hassle spent on providing manual meter readings. Regular automated readings ensure your monthly energy bills reflect actual usage, to put your mind at ease. They can also help you better understand how and when your business uses energy, to identify ways to reduce your monthly bills and save money where it matters. 

When will I get a smart meter?

Once you’ve switched to SmartestEnergy Business, we’ll be in touch to arrange free installation of the latest secure technology. It usually takes between 4-8 weeks to complete, as part of the onboarding process. We operate under the Smart Meter Installation Code of Practice to ensure any work completed is made clear and easy. 

How long will the smart meter installation take?

The installation is carried out with minimum interruption to your business at a time that is convenient to you. On the day, this is expected to take 60-90 minutes with a normal loss of power for 15-30 minutes, although this can vary as every property is different. The engineer will confirm a more accurate time once they have surveyed your site, allowing you plenty of time to safely power down and unplug any equipment.  

Am I required to have a smart meter?

Yes, we are committed to ensuring that our customers enjoy the benefits associated to smart meters. They ensure we can provide a better service to our customers and contribute to a smarter energy system, where suppliers and grid operators can actively monitor the energy required and match demand with greener generation sources. That’s why we install the latest technology completely free of charge. 

I already have a smart meter, can I use this?

As part of the onboarding process before arranging any new installation, we will check your existing meter type to see if it’s compatible with our meter operator network. It may be possible to connect to this but we will need to conduct routine checks beforehand and will then confirm with you. 

I have a smart meter, why have I received an estimated invoice?

From time-to-time it may be necessary to issue an invoice based on estimates, even if you have a working smart meter. This could be due to a poor or intermittent signal from your smart meter. Also depending on when we obtain the readings from your smart meter, a small part of your usage may be estimated up until the end of the calendar month. Any estimates are based on expected usage and industry information so will be as accurate as possible. 

I think my smart meter is broken, can you fix or replace it?

Once you’re signed up, our smart meter team can get on the case to get your smart meter back up and working, or replaced, as soon as possible. We’ll check to see if it is compatible and if it requires attention, may need to send an engineer to carry out a site check. 

Billing and payments All about how much you’ll pay for SmartestEnergy electricity, and when.  Emergency contacts
Products and pricing The rates we charge for electricity across our different products.  Billing & Payments
Complaints We’re committed to providing better service and welcome your views on how we can improve. Complaints
Moving premises Going to a different business address? Here’s what we need to know.  Switching page
Switching to us How to make the move to SmartestEnergy in a few easy steps.  Moving premises
Energy saving A few tips to reduce your usage and save on your electricity bills.  Energy Saving
Online accounts Find answer to some common questions related to SmartWeb. Out of Contract and Deemed Rates page

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